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Hex Hollow, or Rehmeyer’s Hollow, located in York, Pennsylvania, was once the residence of Nelson Rehmeyer. On November 27th, 1928 it was also the site of his murder. 


John Blymyer, a local, mentally ill man, believed that he was bewitched. He claimed that he was unable to sleep, eat, or work because of the hex. Blymyer consulted multiple doctors, and a few Pow Wow witches on who or what had hexed him. Pow Wow magic is a kind of traditional PA Dutch witchcraft, and it was not necessarily prevalent at this time. Finally, the Marietta witch, Mrs. Noll, preformed a ritual to unearth who it was that had hexed him, which revealed the image of Mr. Rehmeyer in the palm of Blymyer’s hand, according to Blymyer. 


With the aid of two accomplices, Blymyer entered Rehmeyer’s house with the intention of retrieving his copy of The Long Lost Friend, a Pow Wow spellbook, and a lock of Rehmeyer’s hair to break the curse. However, events did not go as planned and Rehmeyer was bludgeoned to death in his own home. In an ignorant effort to cover their fingerprints, the murderers poured water around the body, which stifled their efforts to then burn the body as evidence. 


Blymyer was sentenced to life in prison. His two accomplices spent a few years in jail. 


The house still stands to this day, privately owned.


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